Europa Component Library (ECL)

My Role

UI Design
UX Design
Interaction Design (IxD)
Design Ops
Technical Project Management



Product Owners

Kevin Ambrogi
Laura Boselli
Geraud Berton


Agnes Lakatos
Etienne Belotti


and a bit of context

315.000.000+ visitors per year. 26.000.000+ per month.

1.000.000+ unique visits per month.

ECL stands for “Europa Component Library” and it is the design system for the whole administrative ecosystem of the European Commission.

ECL is comprised of a curated selection of elements, chosen based on the various needs of the core European Comission and EU website but also of the DGs (Directorat Generale) or other institutional bodies.

This helps all the EU institutions produce websites and web applications quickly and with a cohesive and coherent look & feel.


and my role in it

In 2018 I joined the European Commission as part of DG COMM to work on the Europa Component Library (ECL).
By this time the team was already working on the second iteration of the ECL.

Some of the responsibilities I had included

  • Maintaining ECL
  • Creating new components
  • Creating and updating documentation
    • Design rationale
    • Usage
    • DOs and DONTs
  • Reviewing development compliance with documentation
  • Ensuring at least AA levels W3C WCAG 2.1 compatibility
  • Testing
  • Improving Informational Architecture
  • Creating and maintaining Content Types

Also I managed to start and lead very high impact tracks

  • Creating the “print version” of ECL
  • Redesigns, alignment and improvements on the iconography library
  • Releasing ECL to the general public under Open Source licence
  • Merging the European Commission and European Union design systems
  • Migrating ECL from Sketch to Figma

Designing for Public Administration

Emphasising Usability, Accessibility, Inclusivity and Lowest Entry Point

When it comes to designing for public administration, it’s essential to prioritise values that reflect the core principles of serving the public effectively.

Unlike many other design systems, the Europa Component Library (ECL) places a stronger emphasis on usability, accessibility, inclusivity and the lowest entry point possible, amongst the other key aspects of any design system.

These principles are not just guiding lights; they are foundational to the design process and rationale for public administration systems.